Fi 6

Media Markt

Fi 6. Wi-Fi 6 WiFi teknolojisinde yeni nesil bir standarttır. Wi-Fi 6 is the Wi-Fi Alliances name for 80211ax under its new naming scheme that is designed to make Wi-Fi generations easier to understand for the average computer user.

Fi 6 Bolum Fince
Fi 6 Bolum Fince

Temelinde Wi-Fi 6 olan bu teknoloji Chipset Synergy ortaklığıyla 160 MHz bant genişliğini kullanacak şekilde tasarlanmış. Genel olarak Wi-Fi 6 80211ac standardının üzerine 50den fazla güncellenmiş özellik koyacak. Bear in mind that those are merely theoretical speeds and your Wi-Fi connection is unlikely to hit the maximum throughput in a natural environment.

Wi-Fi 6 offers a genuine upgrade to your home network offering better wireless speeds and more capable device handling than the older 80211ac or retroactively Wi-Fi 5 standard it replaces.

Wi-Fi 6 is designed to meet these changing needs performance that will exceed 80211ac Wave 2 by over 3-4 times support for higher density with more efficient airtime support for a higher scale of client devices and significant battery saving. What is Wi-Fi 6. Deniz ve Durunun evlilik kararı ile Can daha büyük oynaması gerektiğinin farkına varır. Wi-Fi 6 is great here but only really shines when there are lots of Wi-Fi 6 clients.